NEO tire 70mm

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Expanded Neoprene Tire

NEO tires are now retified to ensure shape, as well as improving grip.
Also compatible with wheels: Snap Wheels by Fingertech

  • External diameter: 70mm
  • Tire width: 20mm
  • Material: Expanded Neoprene
  • Density: 150Kg/m3
  • Tire Hardness: 20 Shore-A
  • Color: Black
  • Weight: 9g

Expanded Neoprene is an elastic material, associated with an extraordinary resistance to torsion and impacts. This makes it the ideal material for robot wheels and other projects that will fall or be hit on their wheels. Ensuring absorption of impacts and vibrations.

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* This material accepts to be turned with sandpaper to reduce and modify diameter or create grooves.

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date Sent 2019-09-07 01:11:33
para este pneu, preciso do eixo de qnts mm?

date Sent 2019-09-09 09:25:33
Isso irá depender do HUB selecionado para trabalhar com este pneu. Você pode selecionar um HUB de 3 (, 4 ( e 6 mm (, deste modo você pode dimensionar o motor de acordo com o acoplador selecionado.